St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) Week 8, Term 4 - Copy
Kapa Haka Performance @ Khandallah Fair
Children's Nativity Play – St Benedict’s Church
Catholic Character- Time of Giving
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
EPIC Gratitude
Rock Bottom Photo Link
School Uniform
Term 4 Events
Raroa Music Centre - 2023
Parent Road Patrol Roster
Lost Property
Helping Our Kids
Entertainment Book
Wider Community Notices
Kapa Haka Performance @ Khandallah Fair
Rotary is excited to bring you the annual Khandallah Fair again this December. The Khandallah Fair is the Rotary Club of Wellington North's annual fundraising event. Proceeds will go to supporting projects within our local community.
St Benedict's Kapa Haka group will be performing at 12pm.
Children's Nativity Play – St Benedict’s Church
Planning is underway for the final nativity play at St Benedict’s church at the 6pm Christmas Eve Family Mass. We need lots of angels, shepherds, wisemen, inn-keepers, animals, and of course Mary and Joseph. If you (we want to involve anyone who has ever been in a Nativity Play at St Benedict’s church) or your child would like to be involved, please contact Andrea Lai at or on 021 0826 7019.
There will be a practise on Sunday 17 December after the 9:00am Mass.
Catholic Character- Time of Giving
This Christmas many families are under pressure due to inflation and the cost of living crisis and they can’t afford to buy necessities for their families. Christmas is a time of giving, so St Benedict's school is partnering with St Vincent de Pauls to make family packages to help families in need. We ask for you to donate food, eg. tin cans, mince pies, Christmas cakes, chocolates, pre-packed foods for those in need this Christmas. You can either bring it to the office or place it in the box under the Christmas tree by the entrance in the foyer.
Currently our collection is looking a bit light so we hope you can help us to add some joy to a family in need.
Written by Nisha, Ria & Nayomi
WEEKLY REFLECTION - Pope Francis on Reform of the Church
“Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says: ‘We have always done it this way.’ I invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities.”
Pope Francis I
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tena koutou e te whānau,
We warmly welcome Elliot to Room 2 and his family into our schoool community.
Reports, Class Placements and Class Visits for 2023
Reports, including class placements, will be sent home on Tuesday afternoon. Please get in contact with us if they get lost between school and home. On Wednesday morning the tamariki will visit their new class and teacher from 9am-10:30am.
Begining of school year whānau meetings
1 and 2 of February we will have whānau conferences to support a seamless and positive start to the year. Tamariki only need to attend school for their 20 minute interview with their family.
Booking your interview
Bookings will be open from Tuesday 13 December 2022 at 5pm and will remain open until 30 January 2023 at the following link:ānauMeeting.
The link here or the video below will explain how to make a booking, please record the login details for your account as they will be used to book future interviews.
End of Year Mass
Today we celebrated the Year 8 leavers at our End of Year Mass. The Gospel of Matthew was shared by Fr Pete.
Jesus says: "Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."
Our Year 8 leavers received their candles as a reminder to keep their light burning as they move on to college. Thank you to all who were able to join with us today.
Carol Service and Year 8 Prizegiving @ Church
We are looking forward to celebrating the end of the 2022 school year at our second last celebration in St Benedict's Church. Our Board, HoK and myself are excited to share our reflections on 2022 and share our direction for 2023. Our tamariki have been practicing their Carols singing and hope you will join with us to raise the roof of St Benedict's Church. We will also discover who has been awarded cups for their achievement as well as who will be our new year 8 leaders. I look forward to seeing our whole community together for the first time in 2022. It is an event not to be missed.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal
EPIC Gratitude
It has been a big week for St Ben's with a lot to be grateful for. Check out this instagram link to see our EPIC netballers in action. Fingers crossed TVNZ plays their article on us tonight!
Teachers vrs Staff Netball
Annual Cake Competition
Our Year 7 & 8 students had fun decorating their cakes this afternoon. Voting was by sudents, staff and Fr Pete.
Peoples Choice: Mt Penguin by Cloe, Emma, Felicia and Sophie
Overall Winners: Olaf by CC, Posy and Charlotte
Annual Cake Competition
Rock Bottom Photo Link
Thank you to our EPIC photographers Jason and Aneta for these wonderful pictures of the show. Please feel free to follow the link and download photos of your stars!
Photos can be downloaded from here using the Select Photos function:
Next week we will also share a link to download the video of both performances.
School Uniform
School uniform Price review
The school has been informed by our main uniform supplier Moana Clothing Ltd that they have had to review the prices of some of our uniform items. Therefore there has been a slight price increase on some uniform items.
Order form for PE Uniforms
The school is currently taking orders for PE Uniform items. Ordering will be open until Friday 9th December. Items will be delivered at the beginning of Term 1, 2023.
Please go to this link below to order
Students are expected to have a PE uniform from Year 3. The PE top is compulsory and is to be worn with either the PE Shorts or tracksuit pants. The PE jacket is optional.
Term 4 Events
Generally all events are in our St Bens calendar which you can add to your own Google Calendar through this link.
If you are viewing the newsletter on your phone you are also able to access our calendar by clicking on the three lines at the top of the newsletter.We are introducing some changes to the end of year events due to the very crowded nature of this term and the response we have to attendance at these events historically. The Annual Parent Meeting is being retired with parts of this meeting being added to our end of year Carol Service. Information about school organisation and academic achievement, usually shared within the meeting, will now be shared through our School Newsletter.
December 2022
10th 6:30pm Year 8 Leavers Dinner Khandallah Town Hall
11th 12pm Kapa Haka Choir performing at Khandallah Fair
Choir performing Ngaio Community Carols
13th Big Day Out- Year 5-8 – ASB Centre
10.00-11:15 Manuka Whanau Christmas Celebration @ Church
Reports go home, including class placement for 2023
14th 9am-10:30pm Visit to new class for 2023
15th 6:00pm Carol Service and Year 8 Prizegiving @ Church
16th 12 noon House Carols / Poroporoaki @ Turf
Last day - 1pm finish
February 2023
1 and 2 of February will have whānau conferences to support a seamless and positive start to the year. Further information about what will be covered in these conferences can be found Week 10, Term 3's newsletter. Tamariki only need to attend school for their 20 minute interview with their family. If you have further questions about this please feel free to contact me directly.
Term Dates 2023
Term 1: Feb 1-6 April
Term 2: 26 April-30 June
Term 3: 17 July-22 September
Term 4: 9 October- 15 December.
Raroa Music Centre - 2023
Rāroa Music Centre offers Saturday morning group music lessons for primary and intermediate school children at low cost ($70 per year + $40 koha or parent volunteering). We offer music basics, cello, clarinet, drums & percussion, flute, guitar, keyboard, orchestra, recorder, saxophone, ukulele, and violin.
You are welcome to come along to see what it’s all about. Orientation tours will be held on Saturday 3rd December between 10:00am – 12:30pm at Rāroa Intermediate School.
To register for 2023 visit our website and enrol online. Registrations close 18th February 2023.
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 4 | 2022 | |
Thursday | 08 December | Berry family |
Friday | 09 December | Black family |
Monday | 12 December | Bowen family |
Tuesday | 13 December | Bowmaker family |
Wednesday | 14 December | Boyle family |
Thursday | 15 December | Breslin family |
Friday | 16 December | Brunel family |
Monday | 2023 TBC | family |
Tuesday | family | |
Wednesday | family |
Lost Property
The lost property will be on display in the foyer from next week, please ask your children to check for any lost items. A reminder to check all hats, sweatshirts, jerseys and jackets are named. Thank you.
Helping Our Kids
Second Hand Uniform Sale - 2023
The Term 1 summer uniform sale will be held on the 1st and 2nd of February between 09:30 – 1:30pm each day.
Donations for summer items are very welcome as we are in need of more items, particularly summer t-shirts and shorts. Please donate these to the office before the end of the school year.
Proceeds from the uniform sale make up around 15% of HOK’s fundraising for the year that is reinvested into our tamariki so please do donate if you have items tucked away at home.
If you would like to resell items, you are welcome to join the sale and sell these yourself.
Parent Quiz Night is back! 2023
After a year off in 2022 due to COVID restrictions we’re bringing back the Annual Parents
Quiz - the first of many exciting HOK events for 2023.
This is a chance to get to know parents within your class and the broader school community
as the year kicks off. The quiz will be at 7pm, Sunday 19th February 2023 at 1841 Bar and Restaurant, Johnsonville.
Tickets are $20 and payment can be made to the HOK account 12-3141-0352804-00 noting
your name and ‘Quiz’ as reference. There are prizes to be won. Please contact Sarah Southee if you are able to donate anything, big or small for prizes:
The HOK committee is made up of parents from the school who volunteer their time to make stuff
HOK are always on the lookout for fresh ideas and new members. Let us know if you want to join our next meeting at school and see what we do and how we work. Contact Johanna (HoK secretary) for details: