St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) First Day 2023
First Day for 2023
Famous HoK Quiz at 1841 Johnsonville
The famous St Ben's quiz is happening on Sunday the 19th of February at 7pm.
Quiz ticket cost is $20 and you can pay as a team or individually, if you don’t have a team on the night we can help you join one. It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents from your child/rens class and the wider school community – total proceeds of ticket sales goes to St Bens.
Please pay into the HOK bank account 12-3141-0352804-00 with your name and quiz as a reference. We will be running various raffles throughout the night so bring your gold coins.
Term Dates 2023
Generally all events are in our St Bens calendar which you can add to your own Google Calendar through this link.
If you are viewing the newsletter on your phone you are also able to access our calendar by clicking on the three lines at the top of the newsletter.Term 1: Feb 1-6 April
Term 2: 26 April-29 June (Teacher Only Day 30 June)
Term 3: 17 July-22 September (Teacher Only Day 25 August)
Term 4: 9 October- 15 December. (Teacher Only Day 24 October)
We have a further Ministry of Education Curriculum Refresh Day to be scheduled in Term 3/4. We will inform you of that date once it is confirmed by the Ministry.