HoK Colour Run Launched today
School Colour Run
Dear St Benedict’s Families
We will be holding the St Benedict’s School Fun Run as our major fundraising event for the year. This is Sunday April 2nd at Nairnville field from 10.30 to 12.30pm
The School Colour Run is all about Fun!
Your children will get to run with their fellow classmates and family at Nairnville fields! We will have 5 colour stations to run through, with a challenge at each. Participation and fun are the aim!
We’ll also have a sausage sizzle and baking available to purchase for a great Sunday outing.
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Firstly, go to schoolfunrun.co.nz and create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page.
Students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize for their efforts! Perhaps a gold coin for each of the colour stations? The more they raise, the better their reward – don’t forget to check these out in the sponsorship form! The great thing about online fundraising is that you can share the link to your child’s profile with friends and family via email, TXT and Social media.
Getting Involved – families are welcome!
Not only can you support the school and students with your sponsorship – but you can join in on the fun with your whole family. It’s $10 per parent (or non-student sibling) to join the Colour Run. please put payment into:
HOK account 12-3141-0352804-00 with your family name
HOK is looking forward to this new event being a huge success. If you can help on the day please email hok@st-benedicts.school.nz, or for any queries
Thank you, good luck and happy fundraising!