St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) Week 8, Term 1
Catholic Character
As we approach the fourth week of Lent, it is important to remind ourselves of the focus of this season and how it relates to the Gospel readings.
Lent is a time of spiritual reflection and repentance, where we seek to grow closer to God through acts of self-discipline, prayer, and fasting. It is a time to reflect on our own mortality and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.
The Gospel readings during the fourth week of Lent, last Sunday, are particularly relevant to this theme. In John 9:1-41, we hear the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. The Pharisees question the man and his parents about the healing, and eventually, the man declares his faith in Jesus as the Son of God. This story reminds us of the power of faith and the importance of recognizing Jesus as our Savior.
In addition, the Gospel reading for this Sunday (John 11:1-45) tells the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This story highlights the miraculous power of Jesus and the promise of eternal life through him.
Newsletter Highlights
Thanks to Charlie and Penny for this weeks highlights.
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
Upcoming Events
Over the next few weeks we have a number of events coming up where we will have the opportunity to gather as a community. While these are on our school calendar, the end of term can get busy and we want to make sure you do not miss them in the preparation for Easter.
The first event is the colour run fundraiser on Sunday 2nd of April run by the Helping Our Kids team (HoK). Further details have been sent home over the past few weeks and are included in the newsletter below.
Monday 3rd April Year 4-8 School Cross Country. The tamariki will leave school at 11am to go down to Nairnville Park for the Cross Country. If you can help as a marshal on the day please email our office directly. Races will start after 11:15am. The postponement day is Thursday 6th of April at the same time.
Tuesday 4th April is our Mission Fair. The Mission Fair is a great St Ben's tradition. Our Year 6-8 tamariki organise stalls which sell food, crafts or organise games. All tamariki bring cash to purchase an item or play games and all funds raised go to Caritas as part of our Lenten Appeal.
Wednesday 5th of April at 9am is our Pōwhiri for new students and families who joined us in Term 1 or are joining us in Term 2. You are all very welcome to be part of our Pōwhiri to welcoming our new community member. Please gather on the Turf. If you are joining us please remember we eat/ drink after the Pōwhiri to return to noa from tapu.
Thursday 6th of April is Holy Thursday. We will be taking part in a liturgy for the Stations of the Cross from 1:45pm on the turf. Please do come and join with us to mark the start of the Easter Triduum.
Friday 7th of April is Good Friday and the first day of the School Holidays.
Phew…what a busy few weeks ahead!
Chewing Gum
We have started to notice chewing gum coming to school with our older tamariki, possibly a morning purchase as they pass the dairy! The results of chewing gum at school is often gum attached to seats, desks and sometimes even hair. Please ensure your tamariki know that this is an at home treat.
Road Patrol
What an amazing term we have had with 99% of our community remembering to park in appropriate places at pick up. This has made our road patrollers and supervisors jobs much easier. We have had a few gaps in the morning supervision of the crossing of late. Please make sure you add your scheduled day to your own calendar, we do not have the capacity to remind parents each day. If you happen to notice that the parent supervisor hasn't turned up please either ring Coralie so we can send someone down or see it as an opportunity to complete a random act of kindness for our school community by supervising yourself. We know many of our parents do this already and we thank you for your support.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal
Congratulations to
The Fabulous Futsal players from across the school.
Albert competed in Grade 13 mixed medley at the Wellington Athletics Junior Champs on the 12th of March for the Onslow Athletic Club team. They placed 3rd.
Rosa who joined in the Wellington Irish Society St Patrick's Day parade sharing her great dancing skills.
Zara, Ellie and Charlotte who won a skills session with some of the Silver Fern team members on the 12th of March.
PE Uniform orders open
If you require PE Uniform items please order via this form. PE Uniform Order form
The order form will close on the 6 April. Items will be delivered early in term 2.
Helping Our Kids
Colour run update!
The colour run is fast approaching (2nd April!)
Registrations are open!!!! If you haven't already please sign up School Fun-Run NZ (, or let know you can't make it.
The class who raises the most in each Syndicate will receive a fun arvo of their choice AND the house with the most participants will get to run first on the day.
The current leader board is as follows:
- Ngatoto
- Brigidine
- Murphy
- Evans
Parents and non St Bens siblings are very welcome to join in on the fun - $10 per person payable to HOK account 12-3141-0352804-00 with your family name
We need helpers
Please sign up for a volunteer slot here,
Cakes boxes
Cake boxes will be coming home next week with the oldest child from each family, this is always a popular stall with donated baking, cakes and slices! There will be a prize for the fastest selling baked item and the item sold for the most money – so get your pinnys on and edge out the competition! Baked goods will need to be dropped off on the day (Sunday 2 April) at Nairnville park around 9am.
Breaking news! We have secured a coffee cart, so you can enjoy your morning coffee along with a bacon bap, sausage sizzle or baked item.
Thanks again to our sponsors! Real Time Survey About – Real Time Survey ( , Finance NZ Finance New Zealand | Our Team (, New World khandallah and Roof Protect Services (
Entertainment Book
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 1 | 2023 | |
Thursday | 23 March | Hastings family |
Friday | 24 March | Henry family |
Monday | 27 March | Hickman family |
Tuesday | 28 March | Hines family |
Wednesday | 29 March | Hogan family |
Thursday | 30 March | Hunter family |
Friday | 31 March | Hutton family |
Monday | 03 April | Jimeno family |
Tuesday | 04 April | Johnson family |
Wednesday | 05 April | Jones family |
Thursday | 06 April | Joseph family |
ezlunch Easter Promotion
Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday 27 March to Thursday 6 April and go in the draw to WIN a Lego Creator 3-in-1 White Rabbit. The winner will be drawn on Thursday 6 April 2023 and be notified by phone and/or email. Every lunch order gets another chance to win. Go to to start ordering.