HoK Colour Run Week 3 update
School Colour Run Week 2 Update - Copy
St Bens Colour Run April 2nd 2023
Our major fundraiser for the year is well underway, thank you to the 99 tamariki registered! If you can make the date please register your child at School Fun-Run NZ (schoolfundraising.co.nz) with just $10 sponsorship getting you entry to the run and eligible for the prizes. We have over $5000 raised to date! Let's see if we can get to $10k.
If you cannot attend please let HOK know so we can cater to correct numbers and reduce colour costs hok@st-benedicts.school.nz
We need the school community to help
Please volunteer for a slot here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScb8azI7iHvBd1UWyji6QXT1QkNCJbzwLEA2FUGKSi2lzwcmA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Save the date - cake boxes will go home in week 9 (27 March)
As part of the colour run, we will be holding a “cake & cans” stall to sell baked items and non-alcoholic refreshments. During week 9 (week beginning 27th of March) a cake box will go home with the eldest child from each family for contributions to the stall. Baked items are always a VERY popular addition to any event we hold so we would really appreciate donations of cakes, slices, biscuits, cupcakes, bliss balls, muffins etc. There will be a prize for the fastest selling baked item and the item sold for the most money so get your pinnys on and edge out the competition! Baked goods will need to be dropped off on the day (Sunday 2 April) at Nairnville park around 9am.
In the past, when a cake stall was part of the school fair there was an option for cake boxes to be returned and a $10 donation made. For some parents who are either not angling for the Great St Ben’s Bake Off prize(s) or are time poor this presented a way to contribute. If you would like to do this then please donate to the HOK account (12-3141-0352804-00 reference CAKE). Please note, this is a no obligation contribution - for either the baking or a donation. We recognise that through the colour run parents will be contributing by sponsoring children, or part of our volunteers to run the day and we hugely value our parent community doing what they can. Thanks for contributing if you are willing and able!
If you do not use the cake box please return these to school during week 10 (3 April 2023) so that these can be repurposed. A recap of all of these details will also be included in the box when it comes home next week.