St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) Week 10, Term 1
Catholic Character
Sacramental programme
Family Liturgy
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Spotlight on Curriculum
Congratulations to....
Touch Rugby News
Helping Our Kids
PE Uniform orders open
Winter Uniform
Entertainment Book
Parent Road Patrol Roster
Metlink Fares
ezlunch Easter Promotion
Wider Community Notices
Catholic Character
Handing Ourselves Over
Holy Week is a way to practice the most holy and sacred rhythm of our faith-death, burial and resurrection. Let us enter into Jesus’ passion by “handing ourselves over” to the events of this week -Mary’s costly act of preparation for Jesus’ burial, Jesus’ final teaching regarding the cost of discipleship, the tenderness of the Last Supper, the pain of betrayal, Jesus handing himself over to his enemies in the garden of Gethsemane, the arduous journey to the cross, the despair of Holy Saturday, the joy of resurrection Sunday.
As we prepare for Holy Week, let us ask Jesus what area of our lives at this time needs to be transformed through the rhythm of death, burial and resurrection. Let us ask him to be our teacher on the way... from death to burial to resurrection life.
“ It seems that we Christians have been worshipping Jesus’ journey instead of doing his journey. The worshipping feels very religious and safe; the latter just feels human and ordinary. We are not human beings on a journey toward Spirit, we are already spiritual beings on a journey towards becoming human, which for some reason seems harder precisely because it is so ordinary”. (Richard Rohr)
Fr Pete
Sacramental programme
Family Liturgy
Good Friday FAMILY liturgy, 7 April, 10.00a.m at the parish church of St.Francis of Assisi Dr. Taylor Tce. Johnsonville. All welcome.
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
What a great community week for St Ben's with an amazing fundraising effort from HoK at the Colour Run. It was such a delight to be part of this wonderful event. Scroll down to see how much was raised.
Thank you also to those who were able to join with us to welcome our new arrivals since Matariki 2022 with Pōwhiri. For those who were unable to be present there is still a part you can play to welcome our new whānau. You could:
- Make the time to say hello to a parent or grandparent you haven't yet met at pick up and drop off.
- Organise play dates with new whānau so you and they, can expand their friendship circle at St Ben's. Your child's teacher can help put you in contact with new whānau.
Yesterday I shared a whakatauki which I believe encompasses the St Benedict’s community
Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, he toa takitini. My Strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.
Each day, through all of our actions, continue to grow our community through welcoming our new members.
End of Term 1
It is so hard to believe we have reached the end of term 1. What an action packed term it has been with HoK Quiz, Ash Wednesday, EOTC, Camp, Kelly Sports, Frosty Friday, Pedal Ready, Better Start Literacy Whānau meeting, Mandarin Language Assistant, Fusball, Cricket, Fundraisers for Turkey, Syria and to support the response to Cyclone Gabrielle, St Patrick's Day, Mission Fair, Caritas Challenges, Pōwhiri, Cross Country and finishing up with the Stations of the Cross today. So many of these events rely on whānau support and we thank you for your generosity.
Monday 24th April NZ Curriculum Refresh Teacher Only Day Our teachers will be working with Sacred Heart Cathedral School, Cardinal McKeefry and St Teresa's Karori on unpacking the new curriculum document and strengthening their knowledge of the local stories within Wellington for tangata whenua. The school is closed on the instruction of the Ministry of Education so we can be involved in this mahi.
Tuesday 25th April Anzac Day This is a public holiday where we remember those who died in conflict while serving New Zealand. The school is closed for this public holiday.
Wednesday 26th April Term 2 commences we look forward to seeing you all back to school from 8:30am.
Term 2 Events
Term 2 has a number of exciting activities already booked in and our St Benedict's online calendar is being updated over the next few days.
Within the first three weeks we have:
- Swimming - Weeks 2-9 for all classes. Tuesday Year 7/8, Thursday Year 4-6 and Friday Year 1-3.
- Manuka trip to Capital E
- Families of Faith programme for Year 1 whānau 5:30pm 11th of May. There is a flyer with more information within the newsletter.
- HoK Mothers Day Shop - we will be calling for donations for the Mother's Day Shop run by HoK. Over the holidays you might be able to find items for regifting that our tamariki can then buy for their Mum. The donations box will be in the office from Week 1.
We say good bye to the Benji and AJ who are moving up the coast and Thomas R5 who is moving back to Auckland. We also say farwell for now for Lulu and Ritchie who are heading to Wanaka for the rest of 2023.
We wish you a blessed Easter and hope you get time to refresh and relax over the next few weeks.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal
Spotlight on Curriculum
Te Tāhuhu mō te Rēneti 2023 – Caritas Unit 2023
Jesus declares “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 - Caritas 2023 – Fiji)
During the study of the Caritas Unit students explored the concepts of compassion, solidarity, and the value of the interrelatedness of all humanity through their study of readings, scriptures, videos, artwork, and music. Students maintained journal reflections on new learnings at the end of each week.
The students of the Catholic Character Team organised the “Caritas Challenge Day”. This day was all about experiencing what it feels like to have everything you need to be a huge challenge or difficulty. The idea was to be in ‘Solidarity’ with the people of Fiji and experience what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes. The students had a clear understanding of the hardships faced by Fijians who have faced extreme crises in their day-to-day lives caused by the pandemic and climate change. The students organised multiple activities for this day, for example, undertaking a ten km run, working out of a cardboard box, eating a simple meal, wearing old clothes, having no seats for a day, no shoes, etc. This day was a huge success with every student having taken up more than one challenge and reflecting on how they felt at the end of the day.
Student Reflections on our Caritas Unit:
Sophie D
Through this Lenten Period, I have learnt food is not the only stuff you can fast from. Other things you can fast from is that even if people around you are negative you can be positive, I have learnt to be compassionate for those who are less well off than me and who struggle daily for stuff we get given on a silver platter. In Psalm 35:13/Ezra 8:21, it says “Fasting and prayer can restore or strengthen your intimacy with God. Many long-time Christians find that fasting helps them rediscover their “first love” for God again. Fasting is a way to humble yourself in the sight of God” You fast to strengthen you bond with Christ and show that he gave up, and suffered so much so the littlest we could do is take away the things in our life which bring us down (negitivity, talking behind people’s back) that will help the Lord see you in a different light, and help you feel happier, as a person, as a friend, and the strongest of them all; a follower of God.
Our purpose, our mission in this world is to spread the gospel. God made every one of us different and with different minds we are still on the same page, we need to show compassion for those who struggle and those who walk miles each day just to get, for say, water when all we must do is turn on a tap, and it comes gushing out.
During this lent I have learnt that things you enjoy are sometimes harder to stop than others. Our mission is to spread the love and the word with treating everyone with the same love we show our parents and family. If I were in the crowd that was crucifying Jesus, I would have turned around and felt disgusted even though I know that it must happen for the sins of the world to be forgiven. Being the light of the world means to show the world that even in the darkest places or times, it is possible to escape those type of environments and to love everyone because God will send his angels to whoever needs help.
I have learned that you can get through anything as long you have help from others. My goal was to not have fizzy drinks and it wasn’t that hard, but I realised that it’s not about the fizzy drinks it’s about Jesus and his sacrifice. Our mission is to nurture the earth and keep the balance on earth. Being the light of the world means that Jesus will always be waiting for you even if you make mistakes as he will always be waiting for you so the he can welcome you back with open arms.
This lent I have learnt that people will sacrifice things to help others and give to the people in need. Our mission is to better the world and help people in need and give everyone a fair chance at life. When they wanted Jesus's crucifixion, I would have felt fine knowing God had a plan. The words that come to mind when hope and Jesus’s resurrection would have been, how did he come back he died on the cross. I think that being the light of the world is to be the person everyone follows and the person to lead us to a better way of living.
Mission Fair
Cross Country
Congratulations to....
Shenaya who sang with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Last Friday I performed at the Michael Fowler Center along with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO) at the “Mahler’s 3rd Symphony”. It is one of the greatest classical music pieces which needs a giant orchestra, a women’s choir and a children’s choir. As a chorister at the St. Pauls Cathedral I got the opportunity to be part of the event.
It was amazing to see all the instruments and how the musicians play them. My favourites were the percussion instruments and the Harp. It was a privilege to be able to be part of this amazing event and I hope to be able to sing with them again. Shenaya Year 7
Assembly Certificate Recipients
Cricket Awards
Winston, Charlie, Noah, Kennedy and Daniel who all received awards at Onslow Cricket prize giving. We have heard there were many other recipients from our school so congratulations to them also.
Charlotte and Addy who are both treading the boards in stage shows.
Charlotte will be taking the stage April 13-22 in FAME Jr playing the supporting role of 'Ms. Sherman' with Porirua Little Theater ! The show follows the lives of aspiring performing art students and touches on subjects affecting young people today. Charlotte would love to see you in the audience. Book your tickets here
Addy will be performing in Seussical, Jr as Mrs Mayor at Upper Hutt Musical Theatre over the holidays. There are still some tickets left. Shows are on Wednesday - Sunday both weeks of the school holidays. Buy tickets here
Jack (as part of the Wellington Youth Brass Band) played some of the music from the film ‘Red, White and Brass’ before the film was screened at the Lighthouse Cuba cinema last Sunday. This was a fundraiser for their trip to the National Brass Band Champs in July in Dunedin. The film features lots of Wellington’s brass musicians, and even has a cameo from ex-St Ben’s boy TJ Duggan, who was an extra in the film. Make sure you get out and see it in theaters over the holidays.
Touch Rugby News
Congratulations to the St Ben's touch teams on another successful and fun season of touch rugby. It was great to have a Year 1/2 team (St Ben's Eagles) and a Year 3/4 team (St Ben's Blue) in the competition this term. Both teams played with a lot of determination and spirit and showed huge improvement over the season.
For those interested in playing touch rugby for St Bens next summer, keep an eye out for more information later in Term 3. We will aim to organise a couple of fun run arounds at Nairnville before the next season in Term 4 starts (with all new players welcome).
Helping Our Kids
Colour Run raises $17k
We are so excited to announce the colour run has raised $17,000.00! The final tally will be released after the school holidays, so may be slightly more as the last funds come in.
This is a huge, huge effort and we thank all the school community for their contribution.
HOK will work with School Board and the school leaders to ensure this money goes where it has the best impact, we will keep you posted on this.
HoK Survey feedback
Thank you to the people who took the time to fill in the HOK survey, and for your great ideas and comments. We had a range of ideas of various sizes from more sports equipment, to resealing the courts. We also heard that you’d like to see more events (like the colour run) that are student- focused and encourage student involvement.
We’ll keep you up to date with how we’ve incorporated your ideas into resources for the children and events for the children and that involve the wider school community.
Secondhand Uniform sale
Sunday 23 April 2-3.30pm @ St Ben’s library
You can buy good quality secondhand winter uniform items at the secondhand sale.
Proceeds from the uniform sale make up around 25% of HOK’s fundraising for the year that is reinvested into our tamariki so please do donate if you have items tucked away at home.
If you would like to resell items, you are welcome to join the sale and sell these yourself.
Colour Run
PE Uniform orders open
If you require PE Uniform items please order via this form. PE Uniform Order form
The order form will close on the 6 April. Items will be delivered early in Term 2.
Winter Uniform
The wearing of our winter uniform will begin in Term 2 until the end of Term 3. If you require any new items please email your requirements to the office. There will be a second hand uniform sale on Sunday 23 April where you can also purchase new uniform items.
Please find the new uniform price list below. If you are unsure of what is required please visit our website page - .
Entertainment Book
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 2 | 2023 | |
Wednesday | 26 April | Kallarackel family |
Thursday | 27 April | Kaloyanis family |
Friday | 28 April | Khoo family |
Monday | 01 May | King family |
Tuesday | 02 May | Kowal family |
Wednesday | 03 May | Kraus family |
Thursday | 04 May | Krievs family |
Friday | 05 May | Lai family |
Monday | 08 May | Lamb family |
Tuesday | 09 May | Langos family |
Wednesday | 10 May | Leilua family |
Metlink Fares
From 1 April, standard public transport fares increase by 6% and a 50% off-peak discount will apply to Snapper fares, up from 25%, including concessions (child, tertiary and accessible). This means that anyone using a concession on their Snapper card gets the 50% off-peak discount on their concession fare*.
To ensure that students receive this discount, they must have the child concession loaded onto their Snapper card.* If students are wanting to apply or check their concession, they can do this online at the Snapper website.
For a full breakdown of all fare changes and the new prices from 1 April, you can visit the Metlink website, or call 0800 801 700.
ezlunch Easter Promotion
Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday 27 March to Thursday 6 April and go in the draw to WIN a Lego Creator 3-in-1 White Rabbit. The winner will be drawn on Thursday 6 April 2023 and be notified by phone and/or email. Every lunch order gets another chance to win. Go to to start ordering.