St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) Week 6, Term 3
Catholic Character
Family Mass
Board meeting update Wednesday 9 August 2023
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
School dates 2024
Congratulations to....
Tennis Tournament
Touch Rugby
ASC Holiday Programme 2nd-8th October
Helping Our Kids
Lost Property
Lunch Order Promotion
Parent Road Patrol Roster
Wider Community Notices
Asthma Study
St Anthony's School Centenary
Catholic Character
The 2023 Season of Creation starts on 1st September with ‘World Day of Prayer for Creation’ through to 4th October ‘Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi’ a very special feast for our parish.
Come celebrate the opening of the Season of Creation Friday 1 September
Stations of the Cross for Care of Creation at St Thomas More Church, Wilton, 7pm
To celebrate Creation Day, Ōtari Parish will hold ‘The Stations of the Cross for Care
of Creation’ putting the suffering of Christ’s Passion in our time by relating it to the
suffering of the earth and the poor. Afterwards there will be a shared supper. All are
welcome. For further information contact:
Library Liturgy
Our tamariki continue to be blessed by partaking in the Liturgy experiences in our school library. On the 10th of August the Kāuri Syndicate reflected on the Gospel story of Jesus Calming the Storm, Matthew 8:25-26. They have written some prayers you might use in your family prayer time:
Dear God, We thank you for the water and the food you provide us. We are so grateful for you always being ready to help us, to love us and to show your kindness. Help me to never doubt you and your power. Amen
Dear God, Please let me have courage for the hard times coming. Please help people in need. Amen
Dear God, Please help us through our troubled storms and reach out to us in our darkest moments. Help us find peace in each and everything we do. Amen
Dear Lord, Please bless the people who need to be guided through the storm, to be kind and help us to be led through your prayer. Amen
Dear Lord, Help me to protect your environment, the water and also the land. When my fatih sinks reach out and help me bring back my faith. Amen
Family Mass
Family Mass 10:00am Sunday 17th September. Parish church of St. Francis of Assisi Johnsonville.
Anyone who would like to participate in this mass please contact Pat Collier.
On the day please bring food for a shared lunch.
The children will receive an iceblock after lunch.
Also we encourage you to bring an item of non-perishable food for families in need.
These can be placed in the basket before mass and will be presented at the offertory.
Board meeting update Wednesday 9 August 2023
At this meeting we welcomed two new board members. Jools Munn and Johanna Reidy-Black, both have been appointed as Proprietors representatives by the Archbishop.
Jools Munn
It’s a thrill to become part of St Benedict’s board. I’m a Mum of two at St Benedict’s. Nina (Yr3) and Ricco (new entrant) are thriving and it’s all thanks to the enormous support and love we’ve received from the teachers and our community.
I am passionate about cultural diversity as both my husband and I come from families who have arrived in NZ as immigrants, and have benefitted from our solid NZ education system growing up here. Hopefully I can give back a little with my own experience and knowledge now as a Catholic parent.
Johanna Riedy Black
I have three children at St Benedict’s - Rosa (Year 5) and Edward and Ariane (Year 2).
My husband Andrew and I were lucky enough to have a Catholic education. I went to St Theresa’s Plimmerton and St Mary’s College, Wellington and Andrew spent time at St Joseph’s Convent School in Stratford. We feel really fortunate that our children can enjoy similar educational opportunities to the ones we enjoyed. I’m really happy to be involved in St Ben’s as secretary of HOK and now as a proprietor’s appointee on the School Board. When I’m not doing child and family related activities I work as a lecturer and researcher at Otago University and as a freelance contractor in the NZ health system and for overseas organisations.
Meeting highlights
- International Student Education – how to promote St Benedict’s as a school for foreign students.
- Board endorsed the school applying for the Kura Ahurea programme. This course is designed to impart purakau (traditional stories) from manu whenua to akonga in schools.
- Confirmations of school dates for 2024.
- Next strategic plan – completed a SCOT review identifying Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats to the school. The wider school community will also be asked to contribute to this. In turn this will assist in forming the next strategic plan due in 2025.
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
Reporting on whānau feedback
Thank you to the 42/170 whānau who have participated in this survey. We appreciate your honesty and time to support this review.
We would really like to hear from more of our community and get to a participation rate of 70% from the current 24%.
At St Benedict's School we use a mix of face to face and written reports to provide information on your child's/tamaiti progress throughout the year. In Term 1 we started the year with 20 minute whānau meetings. In Term 2 we ended the term with 10 minute parent/teacher/child interviews and a written action plan. The following survey will help us to review our current practice and identify possible ways to strengthen how we report to whānau. Thank you for your participation.
Railway Crossing Safety
Our thoughts and prayers are with the whānau and school community of the young person who was tragically killed on the level crossing while biking home recently. Waka Kotahi have shared this quick video that can be used to remind our tamariki to take care around level crossings that are a feature of our local environment.
Recent Highlights
It is always such a delight to share the wide range of experiences our tamariki receive at St Ben's each week. The last few weeks have seen our tamariki visit parliament, celebrate Indonesian Independence Day, attend mass for the Feast of the Assumption, view a puppert show and welcome our new tamariki and whānau through pōwhiri.
Room 4 celebrated Indonesian Independence Day
Last Friday Pelia came in to show the class some Indonesian taonga and the Room 4 tamariki got to try some kai as well as play some instruments.
Manuka Syndicate Puppet Show
Little Dog Barking presented a puppet show about friendship and perseverance called 'Hiho and Kowhai' for the Mānuka Syndicate.
Mass of the Assumption at St Francis of Assisi parish church
Term 3 Pōwhiri
Kauri Syndicate visits parliament
Xander: On Friday two weeks ago we went to the New Zealand National library and Parliament. We got to explore the rich history of our country's political decisions and debates. We also got to meet our local Member of Parliament, Greg O’Connor, saw the media announcement room and went inside the debating chamber where parliament actually takes place. We took the train there and back, with the short walk to and back from parliament being enjoyable. Overall it was a good trip.
Ellie: We went to Parliament and we saw Greg O’Connor and his very, very cute dog. It was very exciting and made me feel very important when we were in the Debating Chamber. At the National Library, we saw lots of cool stuff including very important documents. It was a very fun Class trip!!!!
Emma: As a class we visited Parliament on Friday, week 4. We went inside the Beehive and got to enter many important rooms and learned a lot about the history of New Zealand and what the different roles in Parliament do. It was very informative as to how the government works. After the Beehive we walked to the National Library and got to see lots of historical documents. The trip helped me better understand Parliament and how the government works.
Briona: Friday Week 4 was one of the best days ever, because we got to go to Parliament! We went into the Beehive and had an amazing tour guide named Jessie and she took us to a room that looked like the debating chamber and Greg O’Connor showed up! We also got to see lots of original documents, like the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Waitangi, and the Women’s Suffrage Petition. In conclusion, it was the best day ever!
Eliasz: Our trip to Parliament started by getting our bags x-rayed, like at the airport. Then we went into a room that was modelled after the debate chamber and we took our seats. To our surprise, Greg’Oconnor came in and taught us about the government and its responsibilities. Next, we just took a walk around, looking at the debating chamber and the place where the minister and prime minister make speeches.
Upcoming Events from our Calendar:
Recurring events
Mondays Week 3-Week 9 Kelly Sports Athletics Rooms 6,7,11,12,13 to wear sports uniform.
Tuesdays Week 3-Week 9 Kelly Sports Athletics for Rooms 8-9 wear sports uniform.
Kelly Sports Gymnastics for Manuka Syndicate - sports non-uniform.
Thursday Library Liturgy (click here for schedule)
Week 6
Teacher Only Day 25 August Professional Development in Universal Design for Learning and completion of Safeguarding Children course for all staff.
Week 7
Year 7/8 Mathwell Competition Raroa Intermediate Wednesday 30 August 7:00 – 9:00pm
Yr 5/6 Mathwell Competition Wellington College Thursday 31⋅ August 6:30 – 8:30pm
Fathers Day Breakfast Friday 1 September 7:15 – 8:30am
Week 8
HoK meeting Sunday 10 September 3:00 – 5:00pm email for venue details.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal
School dates 2024
Each year the Ministry of Education sets down the number of half days that a school should be open for instruction. For 2024 the number is 384. Prior to school starting the teachers will be involved in three call back days which will focus on the following.
Call back day one TOD/Retreat Monday 29 January will be our retreat and professional learning day. As a Catholic school it is important that our staff are involved in faith nurturing experiences much like we provide for our tamariki throughout the year.
Call back day two Whānau Conference Day Tuesday 30 January 8:30am-5:30pm
The school will open on Tuesday 30th January for our whānau conferences. Every family will book a 15-minute slot with each child’s teacher. This is a fairly new process at St Benedict's and you may wonder why we feel they are so important that we are allocating a Teacher Call Back Day to these. We believe that the whānau conferences are a powerful way for the teacher/whānau to build relationships that support the educational success of their tamariki.
The feedback from this year’s meetings from our teachers was they enabled them to get a real sense of the whānau around the child and to build relationships with whānau quickly. Teachers noticed a considerable reduction in first day anxiety which in turn created a settled environment for the beginning of the school year. Our office staff found that the return of forms that needed to be completed was much smoother and that they had time to support any queries during this day. While our parents noted that tamariki trepidation about their first day was lessened and they already felt connected to their new teacher.
There will be a guide document for you to fill out prior to the meeting to facilitate discussion in the following areas.
- Parent/student ideas about areas of strength and interest.
- Possible areas of challenge or concern for your child in their learning, behaviour or social/emotional needs.
- Any worries or anxiety around starting a new year with a new class and teacher.
- Class routines and PB4L expectations.
- Initial goal ideas for the first term, these will be part of our mid-year reports.
- Shared expectations about Responsible Use of Devices = going through the agreement and signing off by students and parents.
- Consent and health forms.
Any other topics that will assist a positive start to the school year.
Call back Day three Syndicate/Leadership and Class meetings 31st January
Teachers will use the information shared during whānau conference to discuss:
- Possible learning focuses for syndicates throughout the year.
- Review goals set within whānau conferences with previous teacher.
- Plan first week activities that reflect the interest shared in whānau meetings.
Term One (96)
• Thursday 1st February First day of school Pōwhiri and beginning of year Blessing Liturgy
• 6th Feb Waitangi Day
• 29th March Good Friday
• 1st and 2nd of April Easter Holiday no school
• 12th April Last day of Term 1
Term Two (94)
• 29th April First Day of Term 2
• 3rd June King’s Birthday
• 28th June Matariki
• 4th July Last Day of Term 2
• 5th July Staff only Day Kāhui Ako
Term Three (100)
• 22nd July First Day of Term 3
• 27th September Last Day of Term 3
Term Four (96)
• 14th October First Day of Term 4
• 28th October Labour Day
• 18th December Last Day of School
NB: Two Ministry of Education Curriculum Refresh days to be communicated once the Ministry of Education decides when these must be delivered.
384 half days
Congratulations to....
Assembly Certificate and EPIC Lotto recipients
Congratulations to Benjamin who recently travelled to Levin and played seven rugby games, scoring four tries in the final and winning the competition.
Congratulations to Samantha who had a great result in dance recently. 1st place for Restricted lyrical, 2nd place for Self Choreography, 2nd place for Jazz and qualifing for the upcoming Championships. Samantha also received a Special Award for Most Promising Dancer.
Gymnastic News
The competition season has now ended for the Juniors and we celebrate some of their recent successes.
Congratulations to Emma and Peyton who competed in the Hutt Valley Gymnastics competition this past weekend and ended the competitive season on a high. Emma placed 2nd on beam with a 14.0, and 5th overall for her category which was a great way to close out the season with her highest overall score of 53.950 (out of 60).
Emma did particularly well after suffering a nasty fall during her bar warm up. We were very proud of her being able to continue on and have a really good competition.
Peyton, who celebrated her 8th birthday on Friday 18 August, achieved a goal she had set herself for the competition season of placing 1st overall for Step 1 unders. She was also 3rd on vault and beam, 4th on uneven bars and 2nd on floor. Her Twisters team was also 1st team!
Both girls have worked really hard this season and have achieved some awesome results. They have both also been invited to move to the next levels for the 2024 competition season which will see Peyton competing in step 2 and Emma moving into step 5.
It has also been great to have fellow St Ben's stars in the mix as well. Emma's good friends Elliana Naylor (Twisters) and Poppy Smith (Onslow) have been competing in Step 3 and have won many awards this season. So great seeing and hearing the girls supporting each other! Also, Peyton's friend Zoe Lai (Onslow) has been competing with Peyton in Step 1 and has won many awards as well. The gymnastics community at St Ben's is really thriving and I am super proud of all these girls who are achieving amazing results, along with acknowledging all the hard work and training they put into it. So good!! Waimare
Congratulations to Zoe who had an amazing first season of competitive gymnastics in Step 1! She achieved at least one medal placing at each competition, with her best results throughout the season being 3rd Overall, 1st on Vault, 2nd on Bar, 2nd on Beam and 3rd on Floor. Her team finished the season on high with a 1st place finish too!
Congratulations to Grace who is Step 3 for Onslow gymnastics club and had another successful season with multiple top 3 placings throughout the season.
Congratulations to Elliana who has had a fantastic year of Step 3 Women's Artistic Gymnastics with her club, Twisters. They have competed at multiple events, as far north as Manawatu, against clubs from all over the lower North Island, as well as the local Wellington clubs. She managed to achieve multiple podium placings for her bar, beam and floor routines throughout this year, as well as 2nd and 3rd overall placings. But what she is most proud of is reaching her goal of placing 1st overall, which she managed to obtain last weekend at her clubs final competition for the season! Ellie has now qualified to move up to Step 4 with Gymnastics NZ and can't wait for the challenges that come with that.
Congratulations to Poppy who had a successful gymnastics competition season qualifying to move up to the step 4.
Congratulations to Immy who also had a great season and is Step 2 at Onslow Gym.
Tennis Tournament
Wellington & Kapi Mana Primary and Intermediate Schools Tournament
19/20th September - Renouf Tennis Centre
- Girls: Tuesday 19th September 2023 @ 8:30am (back up day Friday 22nd)
- Boys: Wednesday 20th September 2023 @ 8:30am (back up day Thursday 21st)
If you would like to register your child, please email molly.kelly@st-benedicts.
Touch Rugby
Kia ora all, with summer approaching, St Bens is hoping to enter a few teams in the touch rugby school competition that starts in Term 4.
Touch rugby is a great summer sport for all, which complements a wide range of sports, including for example, rugby, netball, basketball, and football. The Term 4 competition is on Monday afternoon/evening at Alex Moore Park in Johnsonville and runs for 6 weeks, starting Monday, 30 October.
Teams can be registered in the following grades: Year 1/2 Open • Year 3/4 Boys • Year 3/4 Mixed • Year 5/6 Boys • Year 5/6 Mixed • Year 5/6 Girls • Year 7/8 Boys • Year 7/8 Girls.
The fee for entering a team is $185, which is split between the number of players in each team (likely to be about $25 per player). Each team will also need a coach and a manager. For the coaching you don't have to know a lot about the game, just a few basic rules.
If your child is interested in playing, please email me at, and I can help you form a team (depending on numbers). Please also let me know if you are keen to help as a coach or manager.
For any children who want to have a go at touch rugby without joining a team and/or can’t commit to Monday games, there is also the option to join other St Ben’s players in a fun run around on Sunday afternoons during Term 4 to learn basic skills and have friendly games. Details are TBC but are likely to be at Nairnville at 3 pm. Please also email me if interested in this.
Lizzie Hunter
ASC Holiday Programme 2nd-8th October
Our inaugural school holiday programme is capped at 20 children, we have 12 participants registered and space for 9 more. We are now able to take registration for those who would like to use the programme on specific days. We can confirm this holiday programme will be going ahead.
Whilst our activity schedule is still being drafted, it is our intention to have one day offsite. There will also be different activities every day, opportunities for free play and a wind down period. Details are as follows:
Time: 8.30am - 5.30pm (everyday) Cost $50 per child per day (non-trip days) $65 per child per day (trip days) Children will be provided with afternoon tea, timetable for activities to be advised.
Finally could you please advise Donna by emailing no later than 31 August 2023 if you wish to proceed in registering this program.
Helping Our Kids
Annual HOK Fathers Day breakfast - Friday 1 September
The annual HOK Fathers Day breakfast is just around the corner. In order to make this event a success we need the help of our fantastic mum community. Please sign up to volunteer today:
Don't forget Dads and Father figures - come along with your kids on Friday 1 September from 7:15am for a breakfast to celebrate YOU! Bring cash to enjoy a breakfast at school.
Plus don't miss out on tickets in the Ultimate Dad Raffle - that includes a luxury or sports car for the day from O'Reillys Garage!
Save the date - Summer uniform sale during Term 3 holidays
Saturday 7th October 2-3.30 pm in the school library.
Second hand and new items will be available for purchase.
Save the date – Spring Fling Social
Entertainment Book
Lost Property
We have had a size Large Sports jacket and a small black case containing two decks of cards which was left at the disco. Please call the office to collect.
Lunch Order Promotion
Celebrate the Father figure in your life!
Whether it's a Dad, Uncle, Grandad or Poppa in your life, make them feel extra special this Father's Day with our ezlunch giveaway. Every lunch order gets you a chance to win one of THREE $50 'Bunnings' vouchers.
Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday 21 August - Friday 1 September2023 to be in the draw to WIN!
Three vouchers, three winners!
The winners will be drawn on Friday 1 September and notified by email/phone.
Go to to start ordering.
– Now until the end of Term 3.
Please remember to save ‘Yummy Stickers’ for your sticker sheet.
Thank you to Melanie, Octavia, Lucia, Sofia & Liam for their collection of stickers.
We have 2978 stickers so far.
It’s time to start collecting yummy apple stickers and the cut-out labels on the yummy 1.5kg apple bags. You will find all your favourite yummy apples at your local New World or Pak’n Save (and some participating Four Square stores).
Eat ‘Yummy’ and support our school. Crunch on apples and collect ‘yummy’ sports money.
Collect the ‘cut out’ labels from the 2kg bags of ‘Yummy’ apples or individual ‘Yummy’ apple
stickers, available from New World and Pak’n Save stores. Cash them in for Rebel Sports
gear for our school. Send all your ‘Yummy’ stickers to the office.
Collect more sticker sheets from the office or visit Lets get munching.
Last year we received $373 worth of Rebel sports equipment for FREE.
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 3 | 2023 | |
Thursday | 24 August | Varghese family |
Friday | 25 August | Teacher Only Day - School Closed |
Monday | 28 August | Vera family |
Tuesday | 29 August | Vickerstaff family |
Wednesday | 30 August | Whittal family |
Thursday | 31 August | Wintringham family |
Friday | 01 September | Wishart family |
Monday | 04 September | Woollaston family |
Tuesday | 05 September | Zych family |
Wednesday | 06 September | Abro family |
Wider Community Notices
Asthma Study
If you would like to particiapate in the Children's Asthma Study please visit the link for more information.
St Anthony's School Centenary
St Anthony’s Catholic School, Seatoun, Wellington are gearing up to celebrate 100 years on 13 /14 OCTOBER 2023. We invite all past and present students, staff, families and supporters to celebrate this amazing occasion. Please register by completing the registration form here or you can find it on the St Anthony's School Centenary Facebook Page
If you have any queries please email us at or contact Julie O’Brien on 021 377 192.
If you are planning on travelling to join us, there is accommodation held aside at Brentwood Hotel on a first in first served basis.