St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko (Online Newsletter) Week 4, Term 4
Upcoming Events from our Calendar
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Recurring events
Tuesday Mānuka Athletics Skills Week 4-9 ; NZ Football at School - Kowhai Syndicate Week 4-8 (final session on Thursday)
Thursday Library Liturgy (click here for schedule); NA Football at School - Kauri Syndicate Week 4- 8 (final session on Tuesday)
Week 4
Friday 3 November Gumboot Day wearing gumboots instead of our school shoes and bringing a donation for Gumboot Friday - if you have no gumboots we will have paper gumboots and facepaint to support this cause.
Week 5 Book Week
Friday 10th November Dress up Day Book Week & House Challenge Book quiz
Week 6
Monday 13th November Open Day
Friday 17th November Teacher Only Day
Items found in the School APP
Teacher Messages
Term 4 Syndicate Newsletter
Documents Section
2024 School Dates
Summer Uniform Order form
St Ben's Handbook
Widget link
SchoolDocs (Board Policies)
Account information
Absences notification and rate of absences.
School Calendar
MyKindo for lunch orders
HoK Facebook and Instagram
Comming Soon Road Patrol Roster
Catholic Character
School Liturgies
Every Thursday our Challenge Youth Ministry team leads a Liturgy in the St Benedict's School library for the different classes. This week we focused on Laudate Deum a document that Pope Francis gave the world and what we can all do as individuals, classes, a parish and families to care for creation. The children joined in and were fantastic. At the end of the time they each wrote on a piece of paper, one thing they would do to show that they care for the Earth and their brothers and sisters.
Kitty and James led the Liturgy.
All Saints Liturgy
All Saints Liturgy was celebrated in our school library on Wednesday morning. This was followed by our Thank You morning tea.
School Board Update
School Board Election
Please remember to take part in our school Board elections. Voting closes on Wednesday 15th November.
We look forward to your participation in this process.
Wayne Jamieson
Returning Officer
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
‘Regular’ attendance is defined for statistical purposes as 90% or higher. However, Ministry of Education analysis shows every day has a cumulative impact on a child’s learning and there is no ‘safe’ level of non-attendance. Every day matters.
Our regular attendance rate in Term 1 showed that 76% of our students had a 90% or more attendance rate. While in Term 3 this had dropped back to only 52% of our students attending 90-100% of school days
We are currently reviewing our Term 3 attendance rates and contacting whānau, via email, phone call or letter, to highlight any attendance concerns. You can check your tamaiti absence rates through our @School APP by choosing the absences button.
Physical Education at St Ben’s
This year we have been delighted to work with a wide range of community organisations to provide quality, skill based physical education instruction that enriches our classroom programme. This term the Mānuka tamariki are enjoying athletics with Kelly Sports and our Year 4 – 8 Tamariki have the NZ Football in Schools.
Phone request
Do you have an old iPhone X or above that you no longer need? We are looking for three iPhones for use by the staff to connect with the community. If you have one available please drop them off at the school office.
@School App Access on Work phones
We have recently been made aware that some whānau are unable to download the @School APP due to work phone security settings. If this affects you, you can access the @School APP through safari or chrome browsers using the same log on details we have provided. We encourage use of our @School APP as we regularly send out communication through this.
Gumboot Friday
This Friday we are celebrating Gumboot Friday by wearing gumboots instead of our school shoes and bringing a donation for Gumboot Friday - a free counselling service for any young person in New Zealand aged 25 and under. This free counselling platform provides a bridge to rangatahi in need by breaking down the barriers of cost and wait times.
If your child does not own gumboots, we will have a paper gumboot to pin to their uniform and face paint to add a gumboot to their cheek. Please do not go out and buy gumboots just for this occasion - we would rather that money was instead donated to this very worthwhile cause.
Reminder of Teacher Only Day Friday 17th November
We have our final Teacher Only Day for 2023. Friday 17th of November is the MoE mandated Curriculum Refresh Day. Our school will be closed for instruction on this day.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal
We warmly welcome the following children and their families who have started in Room 2: Billy, whos mother also attended St Benedict's School and Evie, sibling of Ollie in Room 4. Below is the photo of the children also in Room 2 who missed getting their photo in our last edition: Finn, Ben, Mavis, Āria-Rose, Maria and Luca, sibling of George in Room 5.
St Benedict’s Speech Competition
The St Benedict’s Speech Competition takes place on Friday 24th November. Students are selected
after presenting to their peers to go into this competition. This competition is judged by members of Toastmaster Wellington. The Year 8 winner has their name entered onto the trophy and receives a gift card.
- At Year 1 and 2 the students are encouraged to learn a poem and recite it to their class.
- At Year 3 and 4 write and present a speech which is 1-2 minutes long.
- At Year 5 and 6 write and present a speech which is 2-3 minutes long.
- At Year 7 and 8 write and present a speech which is 3-4 minutes long.
The speech can be on a topic of their choice and can be to persuade, entertain or inform their
audience. Props can be used but no slides or powerpoint displays.
Speeches should be written and tamariki should be practicing their delivery.
Congratulations to....
Assembly Certificate and EPIC Lotto recipients
Congratulations to Jack, Room 13, who has been awarded the St Pats Cultural Scholarship, alongside his Academic Scholarship.
ICAS University of New South Wales Assessments
We have received the results for our Mathematics and Writing entrants.
30 students participated in the Mathematics assessment and the awards presented at assembly this
week went to the following students.
High Distinction: Sarah, Year 6.
Distinction: Jack, Year 8; Abigail, Year 7; Liam, Year 5; Jonathon, Year 4.
Credit: Thomas, Year 7; Hannah, Year 6; Henry, Year 6; Yohan, Year 6; Ella, Year 6; Lucia, Year 6, Isobel, Year 4.
Merit: Eliasz, Year 7; Lazarus, Year 4.
15 students participated in the English assessment and the awards presented at assembly this week
went to the following students.
High Distinction: Eli, Year 5.
Distinction: Briona, Year 7.
Credit: Tallulah, Year 5; Jane, Year 6; Hannah, Year 6; Charlotte, Year 7; Xander, Year 8.
Well done to all of the students who entered these assessments.
Congratulations to Ru, Room 8, who was part of a Junior Wellington team that travelled to Te Awamutu over Labour weekend to compete in the Annual Inter-Provincial Booth Shield tournament. The Booth Shield has been running for nearly 70 years and includes Wellington, Waikato, Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty.
The tournament comprised of 36 holes on the Saturday and 18 holes on the Sunday with Wellington taking out the win for the first time in 40yrs. Pictures are of Ru with the Booth Shield (main prize) and a team photo that includes the Booth Sheild and Weber Sheild (team with the lowest score after the first day which they also won).
Wheet-Bix Kids TRYathlon
The Wellington event will be held on Sunday 17th March at Kilbirnie Park and Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre. If you would like to register your tamariki for this event, please click HERE. This will take you to the link for the St Benedict's School team. Please visit the website:
Host families needed
We are keen to hear from families who would like to host the students who come from around the world to study at St Mary’s. The girls are here to improve their English language skills and to experience life in New Zealand.
The host family needs to offer a warm comfortable room, lots of chat and outings to showcase our beautiful city and surroundings, the beaches, rivers, hills and mountains, Te Papa, Wellington Museum, Zealandia etc, AND of course our wonderful food options. The fee paid to families is $330 per week, Payment is made fortnightly
We need short and long term options for hosting. students stay for a year, a term or two, 6 weeks or 2 weeks. It can be a rewarding , educational and fun experience for all the family .
If you think your household would like to be a part of our school's international family please get in touch with Philly Smyth, HomeStay Coordinator, 044735554, She will send out the Guide to Homestay booklet for you to see if your family and lifestyle would be a good fit for our international students.
Helping Our Kids
The HOK committee is made up of parents from the school who volunteer their time to make stuff happen – come and join us! We’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas and new members.
Let us know if you want to join our next meeting to see what we do and how we work.
Contact Johanna (HoK secretary) for details:
Lost Property
Entertainment Book
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 4 | | |
Thursday | 02 November | Coulter family |
Friday | 03 November | Craig family |
Monday | 06 November | Dalman family |
Tuesday | 07 November | Davin family |
Wednesday | 08 November | Davy family |
Thursday | 09 November | Dhiru family |
Friday | 10 November | Clark family |
Monday | 13 November | D'Souza family |
Tuesday | 14 November | Egodawatte family |
Wednesday | 15 November | Erasmus family |