Confirmation of staff for 2024
Upcoming Events from our Calendar
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Week 10
Tuesday 12th December Reports go home
Wednesday 13th December Morning in new classes
School Picnic PP day
Thursday 14th December 6:00pm Buddy Class Christmas Carols and Year 8 Prizegiving @ St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish Church
Friday 15th December House Carols followed by Poroporaki for all leavers - 12pm.
Items found in the School APP
Teacher Messages
Term 4 Syndicate Newsletter
Documents Section
2024 School Dates
Summer Uniform Order form
St Ben's Handbook
Widget link
SchoolDocs (Board Policies)
Account information
Absences notification and rate of absences.
School Calendar
MyKindo for lunch orders
HoK Facebook and Instagram
Coming Soon: Road Patrol Roster
@School App Access on Work phones
We have recently been made aware that some whānau are unable to download the @School APP due to work phone security settings. If this affects you, you can access the @School APP through safari or chrome browsers using the same log on details we have provided. We encourage use of our @School APP as we regularly send out communication through this.
Tumuaki Korero - A word from our Principal
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
Class Organisation
We are delighted to confirm our class organisation for 2024.
Room 2 Mrs Minto Year 1/Year 0
Room 3 Mrs Wood and Ms Kelly Year 1/Year 2
Room 4 Mr Havell Year 2/Year 3
Room 5 Ms Barnett Year 3
Room 6 Miss Simson Year 4/Year 5
Room 7 Mrs Speirs Year 4/ Year 5
Room 8 Mrs Short Year 6
Room 11 Mrs Taylor and Ms Bolger Year 6 (Moving classes to accommodate weather tightness work, will move back to Room 9 when it is completed).
Room 12 Mrs Miranda Year 7/Year 8
Room 13 Ms Blackwood Year 7/Year 8
Mrs Haswell - Whole school music classes and release across the school
Mrs Grice - Release across the school.
Reports and Morning in Classes
Tomorrow we will be sending school reports home along with class allocations for 2024. On Wednesday morning your tamariki will spend time with their new teacher and class. We will be joined by the 23 new students who are beginning with us in 2024 across all year levels.
Class Placement
As a parent, we have many roles in supporting our children. Some of these jobs include providing food and shelter, sending them to school and being their advocate. It also includes preparing them for the real world. As we know, in the real world we do not always get what we want. Dealing with this is often termed resilience.
Developing resilience in our children is such an important part of our role as we help them deal constructively with the inevitable setbacks they will meet. We make a special mention of this as we are sharing the new class placements within reports tomorrow.
Your child may not be with their best friend. This is OK. They can still see them every day and it allows them to develop other relationships. Your child may be the youngest or oldest in a group, we might have recognised the need for them to develop leadership skills or to develop an understanding of what it means to be led. Every decision has thought behind it.
When you see the placements, it may not be your preferred choice but please be reassured that teachers and leaders in the school have spent countless hours pondering the best place for each child. We take into account social, emotional and academic needs when establishing the best fit for them. Much time and effort is dedicated to getting a good mix for everyone as we look for:
- A mix of students’ learning abilities, behaviours and dispositions
- A good gender balance
- The age range of students
- Specific needs of students
- Friendship groupings
Occasionally parents may email me with a specific need they would like us to take into consideration when making these placements. We will always take this into account but cannot guarantee they will be reflected in the final decision as this must take into account the balance and needs of all students. For example, it is not possible to accommodate specific requests for individual teachers you or your child might like to have. We aim for a consistency of learning programmes and behaviour management across the school which provides an assurance to parents of a unified approach and quality experience for all students.
I look forward to seeing you at the many end of year events happening over the next seven days.
Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki,
May God bless and care for you,
Tania Savage - Principal