St Benedict's School Pānui ā-rorohiko Term 3, Syndicate Newsletter
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Sports Uniform Days Kōwhai and Kāuri Tuesday
Mānuka & Rooms 6 & 7 Thursday
Term 3 2024
Week 1 Term 3
Thursday 25 July Parent Interviews (Years 1-8) 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday 26 July Grandparents Day Morning tea 10:30am, Mass 11am (transport provided to and from church)
Classrooms open for visits throughout the day.
Week 2 Term 3
Monday 29 July Assembly Room 6
Tuesday 30 July Kōwhai Te Aro Pa trip - 9.20-2.50 (Room 9, 8, 7, 6)
Week 3 Term 3
Monday 5 August House Meetings 1:45
Thursday 8 August Australian Maths Comp
Cricket in School
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Syndicate Newsletter- Term 3, 2024
Tēnā koutou e te whānau ō Hato Penetika,
Welcome back to St Benedict’s for Term 3. We trust the students have enjoyed a wonderful break and are ready for a busy and exciting term ahead.
We warmly welcome Alex Brooke (Room 7) and Emmeline Brooke (Room 12), Mikayla Manyumwa Room 4 and Alex Molloy Room 2 and their families.
This term we will have our whole school production. This will be held at Hutt City Church in Lower Hutt on Wednesday the 4th of September and Thursday the 5th of September at 6pm both nights. The show is a Musicline production of “Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies”, and is packed with fun and laughter. We will send further information as the term progresses regarding costumes and ticket sales.
School-Wide Integrated Inquiry: Turangawaewae - A Place to Stand
We will continue to explore the overarching concept of Turangawaewae. KiVa, our bullying prevention programme, will continue to be integral to this. Look out for the information about the Kōwhai trip to Te Aro Pa on Tuesday 30th July ( information in the school app).
We will focus on Tūhura: Culture and Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand, from the first Pacifika voyagers and the ensuing purākau stories, to our own whānau and their cultural stories. We will examine how we can be kaitiakitanga - guardians of our land and cultures. Our Religious Education focus will be on God and this will emphasise our role as kaitiakitanga.
Kōwhai syndicate are focussing on Aotearoa New Zealand. To do this we will be using the NZ Histories curriculum unit “Connections across the Pacific” to learn about the early Polynesian voyagers and how they navigated their way to Aotearoa. This will connect to our Religious Education focus on Our Story. We will also have a focus on the Paris Olympics.
The Kauri Syndicate will explore Turangawaewae (a place to stand), by examining the lives of saints and inspirational figures from New Zealand and around the world. Through this exploration, students will learn about the importance of having a place of belonging and how these figures have impacted their communities. The action our students will be taking is participating and performing in the school production, focusing on how we can use our God-given gifts to make a positive impact on the St Benedict's community.
Our classroom reading and writing programmes will integrate the term’s Religious Education and Turangawaewae topics, however a further focus will be on how we and other authors can use written and visual features to draw attention to our work. Our study will include posters, labelled diagrams, digital technology including Book Creator, and digital citizenship. Some classes will focus on adjectives, verbs and the structure of sentences.
We will be thinking about language features and how an author carefully selects language choices that will engage their reader and support their understanding. Our reading and writing will be linked to our Topic studies and support our understanding of how we read to learn.
This term, we will read and write about saints, and notable historical figures, and explore the story of Robin Hood. Additionally, we'll delve into myths, legends, parables, and fables, examining their themes and main ideas. We will analyse story components such as text elements, the heroes journey, and the role of the protagonist. We will also be running book groups, where students will meet in small groups to read and discuss a novel over several weeks. The aim is to encourage enjoyment of reading and to develop their ability to summarise what they read, connect with the text and explore vocabulary.
Our ongoing focus continues to be Number Knowledge and Strategies, spanning addition and subtraction to 10 and then 20 in the younger classes, to simple multiplication and addition above 100 in Year 3. We will also cover Geometry and Measurement, with an emphasis on position, orientation, length, mass and volume.
Our main focus this term is on the Number Strategies and Knowledge used to solve multiplication and division problems. We will be looking at place value partitioning and using rounding and compensating to make tidy numbers to help us solve problems more easily. We will link this learning to the strand areas of Geometry and Measurement, working on the perimeter and area of quadrilaterals. Triangles and the circumference of circles at the upper level of the syndicate.
In mathematics, we will be learning mental and written strategies for solving multiplication & division problems along with fractions, ratios and percentages. We will also be studying geometry this term, focusing on angles, shape, reflection, rotation and enlargement.
Languages - Te Reo, Kapa Haka and Mandarin
All syndicates will receive fortnightly lessons with our te reo Māori teacher Whaea Adrienne. Kapa Haka extension will be on Wednesday. The Kōwhai and Kauri syndicate will have lessons with our Mandarin language assistant on Friday.
Physical Education / Sport
Our main focus this term will be Athletics. We also have Cricket in Schools sessions in Week 3 for some classes.
Parent Road Patrol Roster
(Mornings and Afternoons)
Parents: Please be present from 8:25am - 9:00am and again from 2:45am - 3:15pm
Term 2, 2024 | ||
Thursday | 04 July | Breslin family |
Friday | 05 July | Teacher Only Day - School Closed |
Term 3 Monday | 22 July | Brunel family |
Tuesday | 23 July | Burns (Lucia) family |
Wednesday | 24 July | Burns (Charlie) family |
Thursday | 25 July | Cakebread family |
Friday | 26 July | Carr-Smith family |
Monday | 29 July | Choi (Jono) family |
Tuesday | 30 July | Choi (Jane) family |
Wednesday | 31 July | Clareburt family |
Thursday | 01 August | Clark family |
Friday | 02 August | Collinge family |